Trade Gurus & Public Affairs Mavens

TPP negotiations update: It isn’t over until it’s over

Trade expert Peter Clark is in Lahaina, Hawaii, where he is reporting on talks at the Trans Pacific Partnership Ministerial meeting.

LAHAINA, Hawaii – As expected several important issues are defying resolution on the USTR timeframe.

Pharma patents and Dairy are key and stakeholders are being canvassed privately to determine if they can stay until Sunday.

The Ministers are still scheduled to meet the press at 7:30 EDT but chances of them having a full package to present in jubilation are very minimal.

Canada has reportedly made an offer on dairy on the Japanese model – open to all TPP members and based on milk equivalent tonnages. A tonne of cheese would be measured in terms of the volume of milk required to produce the cheese.

The same would apply to milk powder.

Japan has also offered TPP wide access with no country guarantees. Fair and equitable access. But NZ and perhaps the USA want more.

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