Trade Gurus & Public Affairs Mavens

TPP success will require more give, less take

Trade expert Peter Clark was in Lahaina, Hawaii, for the recent talks at the Trans Pacific Partnership Ministerial meeting.  He is continuing to provide updates on the state of negotiations as the clock ticks toward the ‘deadline’ for an agreement. 

Canada is playing an important role in the TPP negotiations.  I never doubted this, but the frustration and anger at Maui – and the shock and after shock of the missed opportunity – has shed unprecedented light on the issues.

The TPP is important and can be completed – but this must happen soon. Alan Wolff, Chair of the US National Foreign Trade Council, published an excellent overview in Fortune Magazine.  Mr. Wolff has been involved in trade negotiations since the Uruguay Round and as Deputy USTR and General Counsel negotiated important agreements and was very much involved in drafting US trade legislation. His is sound analysis and reasoned comment – not hyperbole.

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